This recipe is from a cookbook titled Cooking with Vegetables and Fruits In Season, by Sarah Raven.  The first time we made it, we were blowen away, it tasted great.  Because my tomatoes were not ripe yet I bought roma tomatoes from the store to use (even though that is not what the recipe calls for).  The second time we made it we used some of the tomatoes from the garden, it was still good, but tasted different.  What I like the most about this recipe is roasting the garlic, it makes your house smell like you're a gourmet cheff.

This is the recipe for the sauce that we really recommend making with the zucchini parmigiana recipe.  It made plenty of sauce to freeze after we used what we needed for the other recipe.  We bought roasted red peppers from the store, it was cheeper than buying the red peppers and doing it ourselves.  (Even though we have two red peppers in the garden right now, I'm just saving them for some homemade pizza)  The roasted red peppers from the store came in a jar.  We used our heirloom tomatoes from the garden for ours.  If you don't mind the skin of the tomatoes in your sauce, I wouldn't bother going through all the work to skin them.  Our sauce turned out pretty chunky so I don't think the skin on the tomatoes would have distracted from the sauce.  We also did not seed our tomatoes, thats the good stuff anyways.    Again this recipe is by Lynne Vea.